Working with the Department of Education, we have developed an engaging, hands-on program for the young minds of today – scinapse. We aspire to enable students to discover their passion for science by taking a skills-based approach, rather than focusing on content-heavy learning.
scinapse strives to break down the misconception of science as a discipline of facts and formulae, but rather inspire creative ideas and discussions around STEM. We want students to realise that science is a way of thinking that can be applied to any problem, whether in their everyday lives, or in their future careers. At YNA, our focus is on improving access and fostering development.
Our programs are entirely customisable, and we can accommodate for any timetabling needs. Scroll to learn more about our programs and if they are right for your students!
"This workshop has sparked an interest in neuroscience, especially neurotransmitters and how they affect the body and assist with function."
Justin, Year 10 student
Our flagship program tackles the biggest myth in science - "this stuff will never be useful!" We paint science in a new light to show students its relevance in the information age we live in. We’re here to prove that science doesn’t end at that Friday afternoon period they desperately want over – science is a lifestyle.
This program consists of 3-4 workshops delivered at schools by our trained facilitators. Each workshop centres on a specific theme to examine creativity, critical thinking, and communication in science. Our workshops are supplemented by online resources and mentoring to support students to develop and apply these skills without pressure.
A Re-Introduction to Science (4 workshops)
A Foray into Neuroscience (1 workshop)
Neuroscience is an oft-forgotten discipline in high school science curricula, and our one-off 90-minute workshop provides a gentle introduction that leverages the potential of neuroscience in higher-order thinking and multidisciplinary learning within STEMM.
Students engage with fundamental ideas in neuroscience through a series of hands-on activities that incorporate technologies such as electroencephalography and artificial intelligence. In the second half, they are challenged to apply this knowledge to tackle a real-world problem, contextualising the role of science in society. A focus on ethics engrained throughout the workshop urges students to simultaneously reflect on the consequences of scientific progress.
"It was highly interesting and a fun example of what science can accomplish. I wish it went on for longer!"
Jasmine, Year 9 student
If you have any questions, enquiries or would like to meet with us to discuss our program, please contact us at To learn more about Youth Neuro Australia and what we do, read more about us here.
"I learned the scientific method at school but it was good to apply it practically. These skills will come in handy especially in year 11 & 12 depth study."
Helen, Year 10 student
Download a scinapse brochure for more information.